
“I think of that often…”

My favorite way to share art is to invite someone into my room, sit on my floor together, and hand them a box of paintings to gently sift through. I think this is the only time I ever give detailed musings on what inspired me to start a piece, and I’m aware that it is much more interesting when you know the intention behind the art. I’d like to be more open about this process, so this is the introduction of my Art Diary.

I’m currently needing to be constantly busy and stimulated and without pause. I am desperate to fill silence. I fixate on song lyrics, anxious thoughts, snippets of overheard conversation, or even just one compelling word- and I find myself having to illustrate the idea to get the buzzing out of my head. And then I find something else to fixate on.

My work is illustrative, and along with words, I find myself drawn to a specific cluster of inspiration. I easily romanticize old family photos and give them my own narrative. I’m quick to turn a ghost story into a fairytale. I am fascinated by reoccurring dreams. I think that a gestured hand is a self portrait of its own. I am trying to be more open and vulnerable with my artwork and highlight my feelings of grief, anxiety, insecurity, and amusement. This genuineness seems to be the most compelling and I can feel myself leaning more towards this type of work.

This is an invitation to share this part of my art process. The inner workings that I rarely talk about outside of my home.

Excited to share my box full of paintings with you~


The Reunion